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Natural Stone

Natural stone is available in a variety of types and comes from all over the world. However, no matter the style of stone or the process used to achieve the shape or look, one thing that remains true is that it always starts as a natural product from the earth. We offer various products for different projects, introducing our own Napa Valley Winery Stone TM, Random Thin Veneer Syar Stone, Natural Bluestone, Glacier Stone, Rademann Stone, and Eden Stone.

Manufactured Stone

Our company is renowned as a leading provider of superior manufactured stone products for residential and commercial projects. Masonry contractors, landscape designers and installers, and architects come to us for supplies that can meet the needs of the most unique and challenging projects. We work with the Cultured Stone Co., and Eldorado Stone Co. to bring you the best. Why choose manufactured stone?

  • It replicates the textural detail of the finest natural stone for exterior design projects.
  • Interior designers prefer its lightweight quality making it incredibly versatile for any surface.
  • Commercial designers love its time-tested performance and reliability for any building plan.
  • They are great accent pieces and are the perfect complement in many situations.
Catalina Cove San Rafael
Catalina Cove
Fossil Beige
Fossil Beige Stone
Sunset Gold
Sunset Gold Stepping Stone
Rocky Mountain Gold Cotati
Rocky Moutain Gold Stone
Falls Creek Cotati
Falls Creek Stone
Loon Lake Cotati
Loon Lake Stone
Bitterroot Cotati
Bitterroot Stone
Sedona Stone Cotati
Sedona Stone
Classic Oak San Rafael
Classic Oak Flagstone
Arizona Stone
Tumbled Arizona Rosa Stone

Call for a Quote and Place Your Order Today!


The friendly team at Shamrock Materials is standing by, ready to help make your construction project a complete success. Contact us today to get a quote on building material delivery in Northern California.

Cotati / Rohnert Park

8150 Gravenstein Hwy, Cotati, CA 94931, USA


800 San Pablo Ave, Pinole, CA 94564, USA

San Rafael

548 Du Bois St, San Rafael, CA 94901, USA

St. Helena

1505 Charter Oak Ave, St Helena, CA 94574, USA

Cotati / Rohnert Park

8150 Gravenstein Highway
Cotati, CA 94931

Ph: 707-792-4695
Mon – Fri: 6:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

St. Helena

1505 Charter Oak Avenue
St. Helena, CA 94574

Ph: 707-963-7977
Mon – Fri: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM


800 San Pablo Avenue
Pinole, CA 94564

Ph: 510-724-3412
Mon – Fri: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

San Rafael

548 Du Bois Street
San Rafael, CA 94901

Ph: 415-455-1575
Mon – Fri: 6:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM